One of the greatest incentives for world-class musicians to join us in Durham is the chance to focus one hundred percent of their efforts on communicating the music to you, our engaging audience, in a gorgeous setting. Maintaining our inspired level of passionate artistry and breadth of repertoire at Kalmia Gardens requires a supportive and comfortable environment for the musicians.

The costs involved in creating this idyllic backdrop include the compensation for the endless hours of rehearsal, performances, and a travel stipend to afford transportation to Gastler Farms. Expenses also include providing food for everyone living on the farm, as well as funding our receptions, giving the musicians the chance to get to know everyone in the community and develop a closeness to this town and everyone in it. Donations will additionally go towards the cleaning and maintenance of the venue, and tuning and maintenance of the venue’s historic 1909 Mason & Hamlin grand piano.



Kalmia thrives on the integrated support of our community. We have a variety of options for you to help out, from helping out at performances to providing food for our musicians. Volunteers have free access to our concerts, as well as an annual special “Thank You” event for our supporters. We are immensely thankful for any dedication of time and effort.

Volunteer Interest

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