
Timothy Krippner

Since discovering the piano at the age of 10 and beginning the virtuoso repertoire at 11, Timothy Krippner’s studies have taken him from the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest, South, and East Coast, with performances and festivals ranging from the United States to Italy and Austria. His soloistic endeavors have led to concerto performances with the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra and the Spokane Symphony, top prizes in the Seattle International and Chicago International Piano Competitions among others, and the honor of being lauded as “a true artist” by the late Aldo Ciccolini.”

​He was a young artist for two years with Da Camera of Houston and performed solo and chamber works in multifaceted programs focused on new music in venues including the Wortham Opera House, Museum of Fine Arts, and the Menil Collection. He was awarded a fellowship by Da Camera to develop “Music and the Human Spirit,” a curriculum contemplating the human condition through popular and classical music and presented to inmates in the Harris County Jail.

​A dedicated collaborator since the age of 12, Timothy has performed duo recitals with the violinist Midori and the former Principal Cellist of the Cleveland Orchestra and Rice Professor Desmond Hoebig, and has been the pianist-in-residence of the Kalmia Garden Chamber Music and Arts Foundation since its inception in 2014.

​He has had the privilege of studying with Dr. Logan Skelton and Dr. Robert Roux and masterclassing with artists such as Emanuel Ax, Richard Goode, Jonathan Biss, Frederic Chiu, and John Perry. Timothy is currently a doctoral candidate at the Peabody Institute with Dr. Steven Spooner.

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